Friday, February 6, 2009

First Haircut

There was no putting it off anymore.

The baby's hair was too long and it needed a cut!

Our friend Kristi cuts her husband's hair and he looks pretty good, so we were very happy when she volunteered for the job!

We plunked the long, curly haired baby in his chair, gave him some goldfish crackers and she went to work.  Quickly.   I think we all knew that this would have to be fast.

Blake was a very good boy, but he made her job a bit tricky by always trying to watch the scissors.

We thinks he looks fantastic!!!  Thanks Kristi!

I should have asked her to cut my hair too.


  1. Blake looks great with his new haircut. Congrats. to Kristi because from what we have observed on Skype he is not still for a moment. Who would want it any other way!! Maybe Aunt Reta will have a go at it this summer. On second thought I'm not sure if that is wise. She is quick with the scissors but not exactly patient. We can't wait until summer.
    Grandma & Grandpa

  2. Hi
    We just got home from Brett's game. They lost 5-3 last one was an empty netter -- so that puts us out of playoffs. We have one more series but it means nothing and is probably against Hamilton - yuk. I got to thinking that if Blake had gotten a Mohawk too maybe that would have brought us better luck. Brett's sure didn't! He played well, made some spectacular saves, but not well enough to win.
