Wednesday, May 6, 2009

One more reason to love Ling Ling

Yesterday afternoon we got off the school bus - no Blake.

We walked home expecting to see him inside the apartment - no Blake.

This is pretty unusual so I called Ling Ling to find out where they were - no service.

I kept thinking I could hear Blake in the foyer, but every time I checked - no Blake.

Finally I went outside to talk to our neighbour & was sure I was going crazy because I thought I could hear Blake again!

Then I really did hear Ling Ling calling my name. From inside the elevator!

Blake and Ling Ling were trapped inside the elevator just below our floor and had been there for awhile.

Ling Ling was awesome - calm, cool and collected. She and Blake had a pretty good time in there. One more reason to get down on my knees and thank heaven for Ling Ling.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sweetie
    What an exciting elevator ride! Don't let Blake read the rest.
    Thank God they are okay. Ling Ling was very brave. I would have been terrified. Give her a big Thank-you hug from me. How did you get them out? I have always hated elevators... now I hate them even more.
    Love G'ma
